Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Research Proposal for a Grant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Research Proposal for a Grant - Essay Example The FBI has completely transformed its operations to better detect, penetrate, and dismantle terrorist enterprisesoverhaul[ing] its counterterrorism operations, expand[ing] intelligence capabilities, moderniz[ing] business practices and technology, and improv[ing] coordination with its partners" ("Fact Sheet: Justice Department Counter-Terrorism Efforts Since 9/11," 2008). Currently, the war in Afghanistan against a combination of the Taliban, insurgent rebels, and tribal warlords has fueled a conflict that few could imagine. The treacherous mountainous terrain of Afghanistan makes fighting in that area even more difficult. Right now, "the Obama administration has grappled with whether to send as many as 80,000 additional U.S. troops to fight the Taliban in Afghanistan or use missile-carrying spy planes and covert military missions to focuson al-Qaida leadersin decision on the future of the war strategy should be made [till after elections]" (Jakes, 2009, pghs. 10 & 11). In Afghanistan, there is most likely to be a runoff election in November due to the mishandling of the election. Incumbent Prime Minister Hamid Karzai's position is at stake, due to the fears that the war will move to the capital of Aghanistan, with the Taliban taking over. According to Seymour Hersh (2004), there was "a tiny C.I.A. ... troops to fight the Taliban in Afghanistan or use missile-carrying spy planes and covert military missions to focuson al-Qaida leadersin decision on the future of the war strategy should be made [till after elections]" (Jakes, 2009, pghs. 10 & 11). In Afghanistan, there is most likely to be a runoff election in November due to the mishandling of the election. Incumbent Prime Minister Hamid Karzai's position is at stake, due to the fears that the war will move to the capital of Aghanistan, with the Taliban taking over. In fact, the U.S. offensive in Afghanistan According to Seymour Hersh (2004), there was "a tiny C.I.A. outpost in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, near the Afghanistan border, [where people] watched helplessly as Saudi-backed Islamic fundamentalists-the precursors of the Taliban-consolidated training bases and began to recruit supporters and run operations inside the frontier nations of the former Soviet Union" (pp. 79). Quite frankly, the U.S. still has reason to believe that terrorists, including Osama bin Laden, pose a threat to the United States from both Afghanistan and Pakistan. This is the reason for having launched new offensives in Afghanistan. Meanwhile, President Obama must make the decision whether or not to send another 40,000 troops to Afghanistan. In order to make the world (and the U.S.) a safer place, it is commendable to the U.S. that it might send more troops. However, with a burgeoning national budget deficit of $1.4 trillion dollars, the United States is in a weak position to bargain, especially with its main creditor, China. This opens the U.S. up to even more vulnerability since the U.S. is currently borrowing 80% of the U.S. national GDP. In order to make security better in a

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